Attorney on Retainer Understanding the Benefits and How to Choose One

As a business owner or individual, legal issues can arise at any time. These matters can be complex and require the expertise of an attorney. However, hiring an attorney for every legal concern can be costly and time-consuming. This is where an attorney on retainer comes in. By retaining an attorney, you have access to legal counsel whenever you need it, without the stress of finding the right attorney for each specific case. In this article, we will explore the concept of “attorney on retainer” and its benefits, as well as provide tips on how to choose the right attorney on retainer for your needs.

What Does It Mean to Have an Attorney on Retainer?

Having an attorney on retainer means that you have a contractual agreement with a lawyer or law firm to pay a set fee in exchange for access to legal services when needed. The retainer fee is usually paid on a monthly or yearly basis, depending on the terms of the agreement. This arrangement allows individuals and businesses to have a dedicated legal team on hand, ready to assist with any legal matters that may arise.

Components of a Retainer Agreement

  • Retainer Fee: This is the upfront payment made to the attorney for their services.
  • Scope of Services: The retainer agreement should outline the specific legal services that are covered under the retainer fee.
  • Duration of Services: The agreement should specify the length of time the retainer is valid for.
  • Payment Terms: This section should detail how and when the retainer fee will be paid, as well as any additional fees that may be charged.
  • Termination Clause: This clause outlines the conditions under which either party can terminate the retainer agreement.
  • Confidentiality: A confidentiality clause ensures that all information shared between the client and attorney remains private.

Benefits of Having an Attorney on Retainer

Attorney on Retainer Understanding the Benefits and How to Choose One
  1. Cost Savings:
    Retaining an attorney can save you money in the long run. Instead of paying for each legal issue separately, a retainer agreement allows you to have access to legal services at a fixed cost.
  2. Time Savings:
    In addition to saving money, having an attorney on retainer can also save you time. You won’t have to spend valuable time searching for and vetting attorneys for each legal matter that arises.
  3. Personalized Legal Advice:
    By retaining an attorney, you have the opportunity to develop a relationship with them, which can lead to personalized legal advice tailored to your specific needs.
  4. Immediate Access to Legal Counsel:
    With an attorney on retainer, you have access to legal counsel whenever you need it, without having to wait for an attorney to become available.
  5. Proactive Legal Support:
    Retained attorneys can provide proactive legal support by reviewing contracts and agreements, identifying potential legal issues, and providing guidance on how to avoid legal disputes.

How to Choose the Right Attorney on Retainer

  1. Determine Your Legal Needs:
    Before choosing an attorney on retainer, assess your legal needs and what type of lawyer would best serve those needs.
  2. Research Potential Attorneys:
    Do your research and consider factors such as experience, expertise, and reputation when looking for potential attorneys on retainer.
  3. Get Referrals:
    Ask for referrals from friends, family, or other business owners who have used attorneys on retainer before.
  4. Read Reviews:
    Read online reviews of the attorneys you are considering to get a better understanding of their track record and client satisfaction.
  5. Meet With Potential Attorneys:
    Schedule consultations with potential attorneys to discuss your legal needs and determine if they would be a good fit for your business or personal matters.
  6. Consider the Terms of the Agreement:
    Carefully review the terms of the retainer agreement, including the retainer fee, scope of services, and payment terms, before signing.

How to Use Attorney on Retainer

Attorney on Retainer Understanding the Benefits and How to Choose One

Having an attorney on retainer can be beneficial in various legal situations. Some common examples include:

  • Drafting and reviewing contracts and agreements
  • Handling employment or labor disputes
  • Providing guidance on business formation and structure
  • Assisting with real estate transactions
  • Representing you in court for lawsuits or other legal matters

It’s also important to regularly communicate with your retained attorney to keep them updated on any potential legal issues that may arise.

Real-Life Examples

  • A small business owner hires an attorney on retainer to handle all legal matters for their company, including reviewing contracts, handling employee disputes, and providing general legal advice.
  • An individual retains an attorney to assist with their estate planning needs, such as creating a will and trust, and ensuring their assets are protected.
  • A landlord retains an attorney to handle any tenant disputes or eviction proceedings.

Comparing Attorney on Retainer vs. Paying Hourly Fees

One of the main differences between hiring an attorney on retainer and paying hourly fees is cost. With a retainer agreement, you pay a fixed fee for a specific period, while paying hourly fees means paying for each hour of service rendered. Additionally, having an attorney on retainer provides more immediate access to legal counsel, while hourly fees may require scheduling appointments and waiting for an attorney’s availability.

Tips for Choosing the Right Attorney on Retainer

  1. Clearly Define Your Legal Needs:
    Before entering into a retainer agreement, make sure you understand your legal needs and choose an attorney who specializes in those areas.
  2. Look for Experience:
    When looking at potential attorneys on retainer, look for those who have experience in handling similar legal matters.
  3. Consider Availability:
    Choose an attorney who is readily available to provide legal counsel when needed.
  4. Review the Terms of the Agreement:
    Thoroughly review the retainer agreement and ensure you understand all terms and conditions before signing.
  5. Communicate Effectively:
    To get the most out of your retained attorney, maintain open and effective communication with them, keeping them updated on any potential legal matters that may arise.


Q: Can I use my retainer fee towards other legal matters?

A: No, the retainer fee is only applicable to the specific legal services outlined in the retainer agreement.

Q: What happens if I don’t use all of my retainer fee?

A: Depending on the terms of the agreement, unused retainer fees may be carried over to the next period or reimbursed to the client.

Q: Who owns the information shared between myself and my attorney on retainer?

A: The information remains confidential between you and your attorney unless specified otherwise in the retainer agreement.

Q: Can I terminate the retainer agreement at any time?

A: Most retainer agreements have a termination clause outlining the conditions under which either party can end the agreement.

Q: Can I negotiate the terms of the retainer agreement?

A: It is possible to negotiate the terms of the agreement, but it ultimately depends on the attorney’s policies.


Hiring an attorney on retainer provides numerous benefits for individuals and businesses alike. Not only does it save both time and money, but it also allows for personalized legal advice and immediate access to legal counsel. By carefully considering your legal needs and researching potential attorneys, you can choose the right attorney on retainer for your specific circumstances. With this arrangement, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a dedicated legal team on hand to assist whenever legal issues arise.

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